Browse / NFTs / asset18fqgjg9hy6lz7ghcglxsknwk0s3tucua3ek2n6

Mintedmore than a day ago
Policy992bf902a98461c93d22b1d32fe0f86081e483e2225098edb56892df (view all policy tokens)
NameTAPPY in the NOOD
	"Chef": "Cardano Noodz",
	"name": "TAPPY in the NOOD",
	"Asset": "TAPPY in the NOOD",
	"image": "ipfs://QmPhzBn8hGoZqtdzAtEDgGTPeyCm2DxJmg8cfTNSQbyMgF",
	"Collection": "House Specials 2023",
	"Description": [
		"TAPPY in the NOOD is a commemorative MINT",
		"celebrating the innovative insights and experiences",
		"that the Tap Tools team has brought to the Cardano community.",
		"Tappy is a collection of 5,555 unique penguins",
		"living on the Cardano blockchain,",
		"each acting as an access pass to TapTools Pro",
		"expiring August 26, 2024."
	"Ingredients": {
		"TAPPY": [
		"TAP TOOLS": "",
		"Cardano Noodz": ""
	"Instructions": [
		"For maximum flavor, this NOOD is best consumed",
		"watching the charts on Tap Tools"
	"Serving Size": "1/1"