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Mintedmore than a day ago
Policyaab20b17a305221763dca59db0dc61076770dcd9d21060c4bb823e40 (view all policy tokens)
NameAttila Man Bun 329
	"name": "Attila Man Bun 329",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmeFJMmtK4qUCBqRMNV6pwqC9sCTn6MeemfBKjDz3RTpXk",
			"name": "AttilaManBun329",
			"mediaType": "image/png"
	"image": "ipfs://QmeFJMmtK4qUCBqRMNV6pwqC9sCTn6MeemfBKjDz3RTpXk",
	"Weapon": "Iron-Flanged Mace",
	"Clothes": "Metal Lamellar",
	"Headgear": "Metal Spike Helmet",
	"mediaType": "image/png",
	"Hair Color": "Gray",
	"description": [
		"Scourge of god\u2026and the fashion world, Attila Man",
		" Bun is nothing if not fierce! King of the huns he",
		" lived, loved and prayed for pillaging and plunder",
		"ing. He was most barbaric on his nomadic walkways ",
		"of Italy and France. With a name perfect for a pun",
		", you won\u2019t want none unless he\u2019s got a man bu",
	"Facial Expression": "Grin"