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Policy0474c838fe49f53c3ab1d1f1edeb49580b292be9514760550f384397 (view all policy tokens)
NameBold Hunter
	"name": "Bold Hunter",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmbQvKk6vdA3q262pD7K94TVjiQUjdaziwFZoUsyYpN8AX",
			"name": "Bold Hunter",
			"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
	"image": "ipfs://QmXRAvH4YSPoha5pdWTP6PprVV6VDnnLsL98d9LrqBye1L",
	"Artist": "Reyhaneko",
	"mediaType": "image/png",
	"description": [
		"I drew this black and white mandala by hand and it is a digital ",
		"painting. By following the lines, you are somehow experiencing m",
		"editation and living in the present moment.\nPay attention to thi",
		"s picture.\nYou will see the face of a human, a fox and a wild an",
		"d powerful cat. The human face symbolizes fear and anxiety and c",
		"ontrolling emotions, while the wild cat represents strength, cou",
		"rage and fear. On the other hand, the wise fox in the center of ",
		"the image symbolizes intelligence and awareness. And the hidden ",
		"figures in the picture contain secrets that the wise fox is well",
		" aware of.\nTogether, these three elements tell a balanced story ",
		"between power, fear and control, and wisdom and tact. The design",
		" is designed in the form of a mandala, symmetrically and intrica",
		"tely detailed through various patterns.\n6000*6000"
	"No. Editions": "5"